Monday, May 7, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012


I have been a rhinoceros, or a "follower,"when I recently bought the same style of shoes as the majority of my coworkers. I liked the style so much that I could not resist the urge to buy them, even though everyone else had them.

I have been Berenger, or a rebel, when I used to suffer from anorexia, an eating disorder. I refused to eat despite what my parents and doctors told me to do, and did whatever I wanted to even though it affected myself and those around me.

When I first thought of this assignment, I figured that my example of being Berenger would be a lot more positive than my example of being a rhinoceros. It is clear, however, that it is not necessarily better to be an individual than it is to follow the crowd. Both can be destructive, which I had not really realized until now.